Manual of architectural practice : Guidelines for architectural contracts (Vol 3) - New Delhi Council of Architecture 2022 - 246p. Hard Bound 28.5*21 cm

The Manual of Architectural Practice (MAP) is a five-volume publication. Each Volume presents both: detailed explanatory discussions on a particular aspect of Architectural Practice, as well as provide quick-reference Templates and Exhibits for the actual use of each Reader. Having selected an Architect, Volume THREE: Guidelines for Architectural Contracts goes on to present definitions and descriptions of various Contracts for Professional Services that are required to be entered into by the architect with a client. The Volume presents Contracts for three scales and complexities of projects Concise, Standard and Comprehensive, covering the widest range of professional works being assigned. More such templates will be added over time for a range of typical projects & services that architects are being asked to provide.


720.68 / COA